Harrison Crossing Outfitters is owned and operated by Dayna and Janean Harrison. Dayna was born and raised in the area, currently living there while owning and operating Harrison Crossing Outfitters and Cattle Co. A lot of time is spent in the field patterning Big Saskatchewan Whitetails and Black Bear to get as many angles covered as possible, to deliver a great hunting experience. There is a lot of hard work managing the animals, by limiting hunting pressure and not over hunting, managing food sources and managing the genetics. Harrison Crossing Outfitters strives to have the best guides, that are both personable and knowledgeable of the area and the animals they are after.
The accommodations are modern and comfortable…and the food is second to none!!! Dayna and Janean want the whole experience to be enjoyable, from the time you get up in the morning for breakfast through to the evening storytelling and picture taking. Feel free to browse through the pictures and inquire on any other details you would like. The best radio communications systems are used to try and maintain the contact with everyone for your safety and comfort…or Dayna is just as excited as you to go check out that big Saskatchewan Whitetail or Bear!!
Harrison Crossing Outfitters was previously owned and operated by Steve and Nancy Butler as Lone Spruce Outfitters. They have produced some magnificent trophies over the years and continue to be great help, friends and neighbours. Any time spent talking with Steve about life in the field, whether its trapping, whitetail hunting or bear hunting, is time well spent. You just wish you had more time to sit and listen!
Please follow Harrison Crossing Outfitter’s on Facebook or email Dayna at daynah@harrisoncrossing.ca.
They look forward to hearing from you!!